The Mystery Behind The Science of MMNT, Ionizer (H+)

Why does Ionizer so famous nowadays ? From home appliances to automotive (vehicle air conditional) introduced the feature of ionizer. Why Ionizer so important to us ? and what is the benefit of Ionizer in our human body ?

H+ is alkaline ionized water, but how does the ionized water being generated? 

According to the website of , the raw material of MMNT is from US, and the inventor is Dr.Patrick Flanagan. Therefore, I perform some searching on internet in order to understand more about Dr. Patrick Flanagan's paper. I managed to find a journal written by Dr. Patrick through wikipedia. Here is the link to the journal:

If you are good in chemistry, you may understand what is written in that journal.

Abstract from above journal 

Synthesis of an anionic hydride from monomeric silsesquioxanes is described. The novel compound, dubbed “silica hydride” is the first of several newly synthesized compounds from an interstitially embedded hydride family. It is a hydride-based compound with H− ions interstitially embedded in a matrix of caged silica. This compound exhibits profoundly different characteristics than other known compounds in hydride family. Unlike saline hydrides, the silica hydride demonstrates no overt or violent reaction with water or air. However it is capable of generating aqueous reductive potential readings of for extended time periods. In vitro biological testing demonstrated no cytotoxicity induced by the compound while demonstrating efficacy as an antioxidant. In vivo studies of the compound have shown that it has a significant ability to reduce lactic acid build up in muscles by one-half after exercise. The synthesis of the silica hydride resulted in an approximately 16.8% w/w hydride content, as determined by density changes, proton NMR spectroscopy and ion beam analyses. Scanning and tunneling electron microscopy, Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS), forward recoil (FReS) ion beam analyses, in addition to Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, reduction potential and CP-MAS solid state NMR were additionally used to characterize the compound.

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Conclusion from journal 

The novel siliceous compound acts as a colloidal carrier for the very small hydride anions that are released in an aqueous solution. This nanosized colloidal bioencapsulated compound could be an incredibly effective radical scavenger and aid in the reduction of oxidative stress due to its minimal size and high reduction potential. This novel compound presented in this paper has demonstrated promising in vitro and in vivo biochemical significance with uses including reducing agents, antioxidants and nutritional supplementation. The synthesis is simple and efficient with consistent results of about 17% w/w hydride content with respect to the starting compound. Biologically friendly compounds that incorporate health-beneficial minerals, such as silica, with the scavenging and reducing capabilities of a hydride provide for numerous possibilities of uses. This technique has proven valid for creating hydrides out of other non-metallic, compounds, such as carbonate. The continuation of studies on this new family of hydride compounds could prove invaluable in biochemical, medicinal and analytical venues. 

Credited to Elvin Tiong

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